
comp@laya derives from the combine spanish words 
 "compa" - "playa" - "laya" 

"compa" the synonym for close friend
"playa" the short expression for Playa del Carmen
"laya" represents the  spade, a symbol to build and settle on this earth in this beautiful  Caribbean Paradise in Mexico

 The creation of  comp@laya was borned to  share the true Caribbean friendship. Assisting & sharing with you the daily challenges and transforming those experiences into wonderful memories on your short or long term visit in Playa del Carmen - Mexico.

 creating life memories 


Paradises - Riviera Maya



world magical places

Our Personal

Relation to 

Playa - Mexico

Reflecting on the year 2017, an experienced European engineer who was no stranger to frequent business travels and relocations stumbled upon the enchanting allure of this region and the town of "Playa" in the Riviera Maya.


Much like the Mayans did centuries ago when they settled in the Riviera Maya, this European individual metaphorically planted his roots in the soil of Playa del Carmen, adopting the place as his new home.


Navigating the myriad challenges that accompany international relocation, particularly the intricate bureaucratic processes and unique local intricacies associated with various aspects of daily life, became an integral part of this journey.


After years of immersing in both the splendor and trials that life in Playa offers, the European engineer embraced integration within the local community, harmoniously coexisting with fellow immigrants while respectfully honoring the surrounding nature and native culture. This harmonious balance has given rise to a serene and tranquil way of life.


From these experiences, "comp@laya" emerged as a platform aimed at sharing knowledge, experiences, and providing assistance to those seeking to make Playa their temporary or long-term haven. Whether for a short visit or a lifelong commitment, comp@laya's mission is to offer valuable, impartial support built on principles of integrity and honesty.


"comp@laya" is an innovative term formed by fusing Spanish words with specific meanings that collectively encapsulate a meaningful concept. It amalgamates three key elements: "compa," signifying a close friend; "playa," which succinctly represents the renowned Playa del Carmen; and "laya," symbolizing a spade, embodying the notion of building and settling in the picturesque Caribbean Paradise of Mexico.


The genesis of "comp@laya" lies in sharing the authentic spirit of Caribbean camaraderie. Its purpose is to extend support, share insights, and collectively overcome the daily challenges encountered. These shared experiences are artfully crafted into cherished memories, enriching both short-term and extended visits to the captivating destination of Playa del Carmen, Mexico.


In essence, "comp@laya" endeavors to etch indelible memories, capturing the essence of life within this exquisite Caribbean haven. If there are further aspects or insights you'd like to explore regarding "comp@laya," please feel free to share.


In essence, comp@laya takes pride in offering an unbiased and reliable foundation for individuals who aspire to embrace Playa as their chosen home, facilitating their journey with unwavering integrity and sincerity.

Michael N

comp@laya lead partner

Michael, a veteran business traveler and relocation expert for many years, has finally found what he calls home in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. His professional background is in civil and system engineering as Dipl.-Ing. and MSc Eng. 


After years of working and living in different continents, 7 years ago he discovered this beautiful magical place "Playa" where he settled as an expat. He has had wonderful experiences here and got to know a different way of life, but also experienced challenging situations in everyday life that have presented him with great learning curves. But the results show that with the right knowledge and help, it is possible. A beautiful, relaxed and peaceful life can be achieved in this paradise. 


Michael would like to share these experiences and knowledge, because the goal for everyone is to have a good life in this paradise of Playa. As the founder of comp@laya, he supports fellow travelers who are either visiting on a short-term basis or want to stay here long-term. 


Michael's goal and commitment is to help others integrate and experience the wonderful life that this paradise can offer.

Ana M

comp@laya senior partner


© Copyright 2024 by comp@laya

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