from real people

Customized Trip Assistance - PDA Service

Medical Care Assistance - PCA Service

Private Driving Assistance - PDA Service

Permanent Residency Visa Application Assistance - PCA Service

Medical Emergency Care Assistance - PCA Service

Property Purchase "Snagging list" Assistance - HSA Service

Private Driving Assistance - Customized Trip
"Michael was referred to us from a friend for transportation to and from the airport during our stay in Mexico. What received from Michael was so much more than just a ride to the airport! Michael introduced us to some quiet beaches, provided suggestions for activities and took us to the most beautiful cenote's. Our time in Playa was greatly improved because of the introduction to Michael and I would recommend his services without hesitation! It changes the vacation when you have someone local giving you the best spots to visit!"

Estee, Traveller - Montreal, Canada

Personal Concierge Assistance - Medical Care
"Highly recommended: comp@laya's PCA in Playa del Carmen. I want to express my deep gratitude for comp@laya's Assistance, who provided exceptional support during my recent dental emergency in Playa del Carmen. Their rapid response, from arranging transport to staying by my side throughout the emergency treatment, was an absolute lifesaver. The PCA's unwavering care and attention brought immense comfort during a distressing time. They ensured I received the care I needed and safely returned home after treatment. I'm now on the path to recovery, thanks to the dedicated assistance of comp@laya's PCA. A heartfelt thank you to the entire comp@laya team and the remarkable PCA, Michael, for their compassion and support."

Claudia, Expat - Playa del Carmen

Private Driving Assistance - Airport Service
"Estoy muy contenta con la ayuda segura que recibí del equipo de compalaya, y recomendaría a cualquiera que necesite asistencia que opte por Compalaya. Después de un vuelo de regreso retrasado y nocturno desde la Ciudad de México a Cancún, se me pasó el autobús de ADO. Me ofrecieron un servicio de taxi dudoso y abusivo con un precio no razonable debido a la pandemia, aprovechándose de mi desafortunada situación de transporte como mujer durante esas horas nocturnas. Me puse en contacto con el equipo de compalaya y en aproximadamente 40 minutos, me recogieron y me llevaron de vuelta a Playa del Carmen desde el Aeropuerto de Cancún. Estoy agradecida por esta ayuda en esas horas. Excelente ayuda confiable, en la que confiaría nuevamente para cualquier asunto. Gracias"

Rocio, Traveller - Mexico City

Personal Concierge Assistance - Permanent Residency Visa Application
"After spending years splitting my time between Everett in the United States and Playa del Carmen Mexico during my retirement, I've finally made the decision to reside full-time in Playa del Carmen. I reached out to compalaya for assistance in applying for my permanent residency visa. From start to finish, comp@laya guided me every step of the way, providing transparent advice and personal support that enabled me to manage most of the visa process on my own. The "hand-holding" approach, akin to that of a close friend, proved to be essential support throughout the entire process. It empowered me to handle it independently, saving me considerable costs and unnecessary fees that are often unknowingly incurred by fellow expats. I genuinely received the reliable advice and individual attention I needed, and I'm happy to recommend compalaya's personalized assistance to everyone. This reassures me that I'm not alone in this foreign land and that I have a trustworthy friend I can turn to if I ever need assistance. I understand how important this assurance is for me, and I truly needed it."

Dave, Expat - Playa del Carmen

Personal Concierge Assistance - Medical Emergency Care
"I've been coming to Playa del Carmen for over 30 years, spending several months here each year, and I've never had a medical emergency until recently. During my most recent visit, I experienced a painful hernia that required immediate attention. I couldn't wait until I returned to Chicago. The pain was excruciating. I reached out to the people I knew in Playa del Carmen, but none of them were able to help me get to the hospital. In my moment of need, the one true friend who came through for me was compalaya. I've known Michael, the person behind compalaya, for 7 years. He acted swiftly, arranging transportation to the hospital without the need for an expensive ambulance transfer. Michael personally accompanied me, waiting with me in the emergency waiting room during my operation. He helped me navigate the necessary Spanish hospital paperwork and even looked after my belongings both at home and at the hospital. What truly touched me was that Michael's care didn't end with the hospital stay. He continued to provide personal care and assistance, just like a real friend would. He also helped me with the process of dealing with the travel insurance claim. It's both incredible and unfortunate that in times of emergency, you discover who your true friends are. I am immensely grateful to have been in good hands, and Michael's sincere friendship was evident in his genuine actions. I experienced firsthand the true philosophy that compalaya, as offered and demonstrated by Michael, stands for."

Dennis, Expat "snowbird"- Chicago

Home Savings Assistance - Property Purchase "Snagging list"
"Mi esposa y yo, ambos originarios de Guadalajara, tomamos la decisión de mudarnos a Playa del Carmen en busca de un ritmo de vida más relajado y la oportunidad de disfrutar del tranquilo ambiente playero del Caribe para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida en comparación con nuestra ciudad natal. Por recomendación de un miembro de la familia, nos encontramos con compalaya y su equipo, quienes nos brindaron consejos, conocimiento y orientación personal durante todo el proceso de búsqueda, negociación y compra de un nuevo apartamento en Playa del Carmen. Gracias a la asistencia de compalaya, nunca nos sentimos solos durante este recorrido, incluso ante nuestra primera propiedad, lo cual puede resultar desafiante. El apoyo constante de compalaya nos dio la confianza para avanzar y navegar exitosamente por esta tarea de adquirir una propiedad, a pesar de las complejidades inherentes que conlleva comprar y mudarse a un lugar nuevo. Durante la fase de aceptación, compalaya resultó invaluable al ayudarnos a identificar defectos a través de un exhaustivo proceso de revisión, lo que en última instancia nos ahorró dinero y aseguró que la compañía constructora corrigiera estos problemas antes de finalizar el pago por la propiedad. No puedo enfatizar lo suficiente cuán crucial fue contar con un compañero experimentado como compalaya a nuestro lado durante todo este proceso. Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al equipo de compalaya por el apoyo inquebrantable que brindaron. Gracias a su asistencia, ahora tenemos un hogar que podremos disfrutar durante muchos años, un hogar que no hubiéramos podido asegurar sin su ayuda."


Resident - Playa del Carmen


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